Refrigeration Dryer

The refrig­er­a­tion dry­ers of the CARD series will be avail­able for vol­umes of 36 to 2.340 m³/h and hence will be pro­vid­ing an effi­cient solu­tion for all appli­ca­tion.

As we are in the midst of build­ing our stocks in Ger­many, some mod­els are already avail­able ex stock Ger­many, oth­er mod­els will be avail­able ex stock very soon.


Standard Features

  • Large con­denser for high ambi­ent tem­per­a­tures (Tamb max. +50°C).
  • Eco-friend­ly refrig­er­ants: R134a mod. 0036–0720; R404A mod. 0840–2340 (ODP=0)
  • New advanced heat exchang­er: 3-in-1 com­pact alu­mini­um heat exchang­er (counter flow design) includ­ing an Air-Air heat exchang­er, the evap­o­ra­tor and a demis­ter sep­a­ra­tor com­bined
    in a sin­gle mod­ule
  • Mois­ture sep­a­ra­tor: an high effi­cien­cy stain­less steel main­te­nance free demis­ter sep­a­ra­tor offers per­fect con­den­sate sep­a­ra­tion even at par­tial air flows
  • Com­pres­sors: pis­ton com­pres­sors (mod. 0036–1440); scroll com­pres­sors (mod. 1680–2340)
  • Elec­tri­cal pan­el pro­tec­tion degree IP54 (mod. 1680–2340)
  • Poten­tial-free gen­er­al alarm con­tact
  • Remote ON/OFF func­tion
  • Phase mon­i­tor stan­dard (mod. 1680–2340)
  • Micro­proces­sor con­trolled timed drain includ­ing an anti-block­age ball valve and a strain­er (with man­u­al drain test but­ton).