Water Separator

Cen­trifu­gal sep­a­ra­tion to remove up to 99% of water aerosol in com­pressed air.
Com­pressed air is nor­mal­ly sat­u­rat­ed with mois­ture in the form of water vapour as well as aerosol, and this needs to be removed to pre­vent prob­lems fur­ther down­stream at the point of appli­ca­tion. AFE’s espe­cial­ly designed based on the proven cen­trifu­gal sep­a­ra­tion to remove up tp 99% of the water aerosol in com­pressed air. Work­ing in con­junc­tion with oth­er com­pressed air treat­ment prod­ucts like fil­ters, after-cool­ers and dry­ers, the water sep­a­ra­tor is a very cost effec­tive way of fur­ther enhanc­ing their effi­cien­cy by ensur­ing that bulk water gen­er­at­ed in com­pressed air is prop­er­ly sep­a­rat­ed and dis­charged from the sys­tem.


Features & Advantages

  • removes up to 99% bulk water
  • very low main­te­nance cost
  • sim­ple and easy to install
  • effi­cient auto­mat­ic drain
  • pow­der coat­ed
  • chro­ma­tised hous­ing